Gorebridge and District Local Place Plan Map 2024

This map shows the spatial vision for Gorebridge and District and showing the links to the Forth National Planning Framework.

Potential site to build small units for small businesses / self employed

Potential site to build small units for small businesses / self employed 

NPF4/28 Retail

Potential site for large supermarket

NPF4/28 Retail

potential site for large supermarket 

NPF4/30 Tourism

Develop the Old Station House as a tourist hub. Heritage and nature walks could join up with train/walking, small bus link. Potential for use of virtual technology.

Potential site for a community growing space

A potential location for a much needed new High School

[16, 6, 1, 6]
[10, 6]
[10, 10]
[10, 20]
[10, 30]